World Water Week Stockholm 2015

The World Water Week is an annual event that addresses global water issues in relation to development. The 25th edition of the World Water Week in Sweden was hosted by the Swedish International Water Institute (SIWI). The event took place at Stockholm City Conference Centre from the 28th of August to the 2nd of September 2015. The theme for 2015 was ‘water for development’. AI-TV Network was accredited by the Swedish International Water Institute (SIWI) and attended the event as press. 

The event brought together Heads of States, Prime Ministers, Heads of Diplomatic Missions, Practitioners, Decision Makers, Young Professionals as well as NGOs all over the world who came to Stockholm in exchange of ideas, networking and seeking possible solutions to water related problems around the world.

World Water Week 2015 in Stockholm

Speaking at the opening ceremony was Ms. Karin Lexén, Director World Water Week, International Processes and Prizes, (SIWI), Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director, (SIWI), who gave official welcome speeches to the event. An official welcome to Stockholm address was also given by the Mayor of Stockholm, Ms. Karin Wanngård.

The opening ceremony also brought an alternative perspective of water related issues by Heads of States and governmental officials. The Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr. Stefan Löfven, President Marshall Islands Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, and Prime Minister Jordan, Dr. Abdulla Ensour all gave their reflections on the importance for water in their respective countries.

An open lecture on water was given by the winner of the Stockholm Water Price 2015 laureate   Mr. Rajendra Singh. The event continued with high level panels and a closing remark for the opening ceremony was given by Ms. Karin Lexén from SIWI. ‘A match for water’ that took participants from the event ground, around Stockholm city was lead by Mr. Rajendra Singh. The match ended up in the Stockholm City Council hall. The president of the city council, Eva-Louise Erlandsson Slorach gave a welcome to Sweden speech and offered the participants a typical Swedish dinner.

Our Network team was present at a press briefing on ‘sanitation and water for all’. The briefing was to evaluate the mid-term progress done by recipient countries based on their commitments made with SWY on a high level meeting in Washington DC, 2014. During this briefing, the South Sudanese Minister of Electricity, Dams, Irrigation and Water Resources, Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba shared the progress and successes that South Sudan has made on water, sanitation and hygiene. The minister also addressed the steps taken by Sudan to accelerate progress in the country. According to the results from the press release, there was a significant progress made by South Sudan in sanitation and water related issues in different parts of the country.

Ms. Karin Lexén at World Water Week 2015 in Stockholm
Mr. Rajendra Singh at the World Water Week 2015 in Stockholm

Our In another press briefing, ‘Water Research Commission’ on Gender and Water Policies in Africa, and this research is actually the first regional study in the world, with regards to gender issues. The research was to understand the nature of discrimination with regards to gender and water policies. Findings presented were that there is need for sensitive gender design in policy implementation process and the creation of capacities in the systems with high level of women representation of functional decision making in water systems. 

Hon. Amadou Mansour Faye at the World Water Week 2015 in Stockholm

In another segment during the week with focus on Africa, a high level ministerial panel on water centrality to developments and poverty eradication in Africa was held by African Ministers. The panel was to allow African political leaders themselves to assess the level of progress made by each individual country and to examine the water policy options in the continent. The opening ceremony was given by the president of African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) Hon. Amadou Mansour Faye, Minister for Hydraulic & Sanitation, Senegal.

During the event, there were also segments of awards such as the Stockholm Water Price Awards, Stockholm Junior Price Awards, Stockholm Industrial Price Awards, Best Poster Awards, workshops, seminar, high level panels, vision speakers, visits to special plants, and entertainment throughout the week.

The World Water Week 2015 edition ended up with a reflection on the 2015 World Water Week by Ms. Karin Lexén from SIWI, Panel discussions, a reflection from the different workshops and a final closing of the ceremony by Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director, Stockholm International Water Institute.

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