Afro Swedish History event by Uppsala University

Afro Swedish history event by Uppsala University

AI-TV Network attended a panel debate on Afro Swedish history, tracks of slavery and colonization. The panel was organized by the Forum for Africa Studies, Uppsala University and Uppsala Newspaper (Uppsala Nya Tidning, UNT). The panel discussion stimulated considerable debates on the subject of the treatment of people of African descent in Sweden. The seminar took place at the Uppsala University’s main Auditorium.

Adam Tensta on the Afro Swedish history event in Uppsala

The panel was composed of:

Adam Tensta, an artist based in Stockholm who, last July 2015, stormed out of the popular TV4 ‘morning sofa live broadcast’ in protest of the channel's recent actions that seemed to normalize racism.


Victoria Kawesa, PhD student at Linköping University, board member for Feminist Initiative political party (FI) and a lecturer at Södertörn University Stockholm.

Göran Rydén, Professor in Economic history, Uppsala University.

Ryan Skinner, researcher, Music Anthropology at Ohio State University and Uppsala University.

Faaid Ali-Nuur, project leader at the Afro Swedish organization.

The moderators were:

Sten Hagberg, Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology. He is also the Chairperson at the forum for Africa studies, Uppsala University.

Maria Ripenberg, Uppsala Nya Tidning.


Quite a lot of people attended the seminar and below are some of the photos from the event.

Photos by: Ojie Tambe

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