The Peagie Woobay Scholarship Fund (PWSF)

The Peagie Woobay Scholarship Fund (PWSF)

Stockholm, Sweden 2017

The aim of the scholarship that the foundation raise are to give the possibility for children who can’t afford school fee, teenage mothers to return to school, and girls the opportunity to educate and empower themselves.

The foundations is also responsible for paying tuition fee, buy books and uniforms, provides day-care for the recipients who have kids.

Apart from offering these services to the girls in Sierra Leone, the foundation also sensitizes the girls about the risks of early pregnancy, preventive methods and also discourages young girls to be engaged in early marriages.

They do encourage creativity amongst the youths through their resource centers around the country where the girls can learn hand crafts and provides them with some micro-loans for startups.

The sole way through which the foundation achieves these scholarships is by organizing fund raising events, donations and exhibitions around the world.

You can read more about the foundation here

About the foundation

Peagie Woobay Scholarship Fund (PWSF) is a non-profit organization registered in Sweden, Sierra Leone and in the USA.

The foundation has a dual purpose of fund raising for charity and to promote the Sierra Leonean culture abroad.

The funds which are raised are used to educate, inspire and empower girls/mothers and children in Sierra Leone through offering them scholarships.

The target groups for these scholarships are children, girls and teenage mothers who are school drop-outs. The second aim of the foundation is to promote the Sierra Leonean culture in Sweden and abroad through exhibitions of art works, traditional performances and stories about the country.

Fund Raising and Exhibition in Stockholm

The Foundation recently organized a fund raising event and exhibition with theme Explore Sierra Leone.

The event took place on the 4th of February 2017 in Stockholm Sweden. The aim of the event was to raise funds in order to increase the number of children, girls and teenage mothers and more recipients of the scholarship and to encourage education for teenage mothers in Sierra Leone.

The event commenced with a welcome address by the project coordinator for the foundation in Sweden, Souna Daramy. Shortly after her welcome speech, the CEO and Founder, Peagie Foday Née Woobay gave a few words about the PWSF. During her presentation, Peagie told her guests about the achievements that the foundation have made so far in the last few year. She said the foundation have so far given more than 110 scholarships in Sierra Leone that targeted mostly children, girls and teenage mothers.

Out of this number she said 46 of the recipients’ are teenage mothers who otherwise could have dropped out of school. According to Peagie, the foundation has also provided free daycare where teenage mothers have the possibility to drop their kids before going to school and that the recipients’ of the scholarship are provided with school fee, uniforms, extra lessons, books and some mentorships programs. She also mentioned that the foundation has provided a library, health care facilities and now a resource center for the girls and teenage mothers.

Ending her speech, Peagie encouraged participants to be engaged in the foundation’s activities through attending exhibitions and to donate to the foundation so they could achieve some of their upcoming projects in Sierra Leone.

Another segment during the exhibition was a sketch performance by some native Sierra Leoneans on how a typical Sierra Leone wedding is done.

The performance was presented and directed by Peagie, the CEO of the Foundation.

Also a typical Sierra Leone Dance was performed by Manelle Foday who moved the crowd with her great Salone dance gesture and the traditional costume she had on.

A quiz and Raffle Draw and the winners was given by Mr. Ahmed Tejan Kabba, Counsellor, from the Embassy of Sierra Leone to Geneva.

A vote of thanks and remarks was given by a guest speakers Mr. Alain Coloma. The event ended up with a traditional masquerade dance from Sierra Leone by the Sweden Paddle dance group

A guest speaker, the Ambassador of Sierra Leone to U.K His Excellency Eddie Turay also gave an address during the event. In his speech, the Ambassador focused on the tremendous work done by the foundation and also encourages participants at the exhibition to be actively engage and support the foundation in what they are doing.

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