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Interview with Yoruba Union

AI-TV Network met with some members of the Yoruba Union in Stockholm. During the interview we discuss the Yoruba ethnicity, the Yoruba Union’s activities and the celebration of the upcoming Yoruba day, which is to be held on the 7th May 2016, 6 pm (18:00) at Medborgarhuset in Alvik, Stockholm.

Miss Sierra Leone Sweden 2015 competition

AI-TV Network brings you the long awaited official footage of Miss Sierra Leone Sweden 2015. The competition took place on the 5th of December in Stockholm where four young women were competing for the chance to win the crown and the title of the first Miss Sierra Leone Sweden.

Miss Sierra Leone Sweden 2015 Interview

AI-TV Network interviews the organizing committee of Miss Sierra Leone Sweden 2015, a competition held for the first time by the orginization of Sierra Leoneans in Sweden. The competition is taking place on December 5th 2015 in Alby, Subtopia. We also get to meet three of the five contestants for this years competition.

Interview with Liinx

AI-TV Network brings you an interview with Swedish based Cameroonian artist Liinx who recently released his new single ''Ashia'' ft Mister Elad.


AI-TV Network caught up with Maestro Dekula Kahanga, a guitarist, singer and a song writer during one of their live performances in Stockholm. He brought together a group of musicians from different African countries and formed ‘Dekula Band’. Here is the video with his presentation and a live performance.

Here is a link to his website

Entretien avec Martin Fouda/Interview with Martin Fouda

Entretien entre l'AI-TV et la star camerounaise de l'Art Martial Mixte (MMA), Martin Fouda à Stockholm. Entretien en français

AI-TV interviews cameroonian born MMA fighter, Martin Fouda in Stockholm Sweden.

The interview is in French.

Newsreport July 2015 - Africa Day

AI-TV Network attended the Africa Day celebration jointly organized by the African embassies in Stockholm. This year the theme was "Women Empowerment and Development towards Africa's Agenda 2063". We bring footage from the event and interviews with Professor Beth M. Ahlberg, the Egyptian Ambassador H.E. Wael Nasr and finally The Rwandan musician Teta Dianna.

Interview with Zimbabwean artist ManLuckerz

This time we bring you an Interview with the Sweden based,  Zimbabwean artist ManLuckerz from ManLuckerz and The Zim Traditional Unity (ZIMTU). We also show some clips of musical perfromance from the new album Mai na Baba Molly.

Entretien avec le Directeur Régional Scandinavien Royal Air Maroc

AI-TV Network interviews the Scandinavian Regional Manager of Royal Air Maroc.

This interview was done in French.

News report June 2015

This is AI-TV Networks first News report. This time we bring you an update on recent occurring events in Stockholm. We also report on the recent celebration of the Cameroonian National Day in Stockholm.

AI-TV Network Launching

This is AI-TV Networks launching video where our presenter Ralph Tafon interviews our founder and coordinator Ojie Tambe to discuss issues such as what our Network is about and what we will be covering in the future.

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